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  • Though his sons and daughters tried to console him, he refused all consolation, saying, "No, I will go down mourning to my son in the nether world." Thus did his father lament him. (Genesis 37, 35)

  • So the people went to Bethel and remained there before God until evening, raising their voices in bitter lament. (Judges 21, 2)

  • (Likewise in each of the provinces, wherever the king's legal enactment reached, the Jews went into deep mourning, with fasting, weeping, and lament; they all slept on sackcloth and ashes.) (Esther 4, 3)

  • My son, shed tears for one who is dead with wailing and bitter lament; As is only proper, prepare the body, absent not yourself from his burial: (Ecclesiasticus 38, 16)

  • Her gates will lament and mourn, as the city sits desolate on the ground. (Isaiah 3, 26)

  • The fishermen shall mourn and lament, all who cast hook in the Nile; Those who spread their nets in the water shall pine away. (Isaiah 19, 8)

  • Lament, O ships of Tarshish, for your haven is destroyed. (Isaiah 23, 14)

  • Hear, you women, the word of the LORD, let your ears receive his message. Teach your daughters this dirge, and each other this lament. (Jeremiah 9, 19)

  • Go not into a house of mourning, the LORD continued: go not there to lament or offer sympathy. For I have withdrawn my friendship from this people, says the LORD, my kindness and my pity. (Jeremiah 16, 5)

  • Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, king of Judah: They shall not lament him, "Alas! my brother"; "Alas! sister." They shall not lament him, "Alas, Lord! alas, Majesty!" (Jeremiah 22, 18)

  • You shall die in peace, and they will lament you as their lord, and burn spices for your burial as they did for your fathers, the kings who preceded you from the first; it is I who make this promise, says the LORD. (Jeremiah 34, 5)

  • With joy I fostered them; but with mourning and lament I let them go. (Baruch 4, 11)

“Você teme um homem,um pobre instrumento nas mãos de Deus, mas não teme a justiça divina?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina