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  • You, however, whether natives or resident aliens, must keep my statutes and decrees forbidding all such abominations (Leviticus 17, 26)

  • Everyone who does any of these abominations shall be cut off from among his people. (Leviticus 17, 29)

  • "When you come into the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the abominations of the peoples there. (Deuteronomy 18, 9)

  • Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, and because of such abominations the LORD, your God, is driving these nations out of your way. (Deuteronomy 18, 12)

  • "Because Manasseh, king of Judah, has practiced these abominations and has done greater evil than all that was done by the Amorites before him, and has led Judah into sin by his idols, (2 Kings 21, 11)

  • Likewise all the princes of Judah, the priests and the people added infidelity to infidelity, practicing all the abominations of the nations and polluting the LORD'S temple which he had consecrated in Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 36, 14)

  • When these matters had been concluded, the leaders approached me with this report: "Neither the Israelite laymen nor the priests nor the Levites have kept themselves aloof from the peoples of the land and their abominations (Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites); (Ezra 9, 1)

  • which you gave through your servants the prophets: the land which you are entering to take as your possession is a land unclean with the filth of the peoples of the land, with the abominations with which they have filled it from one end to the other in their uncleanness. (Ezra 9, 11)

  • When he speaks graciously, trust him not, for seven abominations are in his heart. (Proverbs 26, 25)

  • Hence those unjust also, who lived a life of folly, you tormented through their own abominations. (Wisdom of Solomon 12, 23)

  • Merely slaughtering an ox is like slaying a man; sacrificing a lamb, like breaking a dog's neck; Bringing a cereal offering, like offering swine's blood; burning incense, like paying homage to an idol. Since these have chosen their own ways and taken pleasure in their own abominations, (Isaiah 66, 3)

  • and yet come to stand before me in this house which bears my name, and say: "We are safe; we can commit all these abominations again"? (Jeremiah 7, 10)

“A ingenuidade e’ uma virtude, mas apenas ate certo ponto; ela deve sempre ser acompanhada da prudência. A astúcia e a safadeza, por outro lado, são diabólicas e podem causar muito mal.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina