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  • From the time I spoke to Pharaoh in your name, he has brought trouble on this people and you have done nothing to rescue them!" (Exodus 5, 23)

  • For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you to rescue your life on the altar. Offered blood makes atonement because of the life within it. That is why I said to the sons of Israel: No one among you shall eat blood, nor may any alien who lives among you eat blood. (Leviticus 17, 11)

  • I would run after it, kill it and rescue the victim from its mouth. If it attacked me, I would hold it by its beard and slay it. (1 Samuel 17, 35)

  • He, therefore, consulted Yahweh and asked, "Shall I go and fight with these Philistines?" The answer was, "Go and attack the Philistines and rescue Keilah." (1 Samuel 23, 2)

  • Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser, king of Asshur, to tell him, "I am your servant and your son. Come then and rescue me from the hands of the king of Aram and of the king of Israel, who wage war against me." (2 Kings 16, 7)

  • From six troubles he will rescue you; at the seventh no harm will touch you. (Job 5, 19)

  • deliver me from the enemy or rescue me from a tyrant?" (Job 6, 23)

  • You know I have not sinned, but who can rescue me from your hand? (Job 10, 7)

  • He who rescues the innocent man, will rescue you too if your hands are clean. (Job 22, 30)

  • Come back to me, O Lord, save my life; rescue me for the sake of your love. (Psalms 6, 5)

  • lest lions tear me to pieces with no one to rescue me. (Psalms 7, 3)

  • "He put his trust in the Lord, let the Lord rescue him! If the Lord is his friend, let him help him!" (Psalms 22, 9)

“Para consolar uma alma na sua dor, mostre todo o bem que ela ainda pode fazer”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina