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  • Let me not share their counsel! Let my heart keep far from their company, for in anger they killed men, and hamstrung oxen at their pleasure. (Genesis 49, 6)

  • He gave his messengers, this order: "Say this to the Israelites: Until today, have you seen anything like this since the Israelites came up from the land of Egypt? Think about it. Seek counsel and decide." Everyone who saw it said: "Until today, never has this happened nor has a thing like this been seen since the Israelites came up from the land of Egypt." (Judges 19, 30)

  • When David was informed that Ahitophel was among the conspirators with Absalom, he said, "O Yahweh, turn the counsel of Ahitophel into folly." (2 Samuel 15, 31)

  • It would be better for you to return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king! Just as I have been your father's servant in the past, I will now be your servant.' In that way you will be useful to me in thwarting the counsel of Ahitophel. (2 Samuel 15, 34)

  • In those days, Ahitophel's counsel was deemed as sound as the oracle of God, and so it was deemed by both David and Absalom. (2 Samuel 16, 23)

  • Absalom and all the Israelites said, "The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahitophel." For Yahweh had decreed that the good counsel of Ahitophel be defeated, so that he might bring evil upon Absalom. (2 Samuel 17, 14)

  • The king of Israel answered, "There is still one through whom we may ask for Yahweh's counsel; but I hate him, for he never prophesies good about me but only evil. It is Micaiah, son of Imlah." Then Jehoshaphat said, "Don't speak in this manner." (1 Kings 22, 8)

  • Take counsel of those who are wise and do not despise any useful advice. (Tobit 4, 18)

  • "Who are you, Achior, you and all the people bribed by Israel to prophesy against us as you have done today? Why do you counsel us not to make war on the race of Israel because their God will cover them with a shield? Who is God, if not Nebuchadnezzar. He will send out his army and wipe them off the face of the earth and their God will not save them. (Judith 6, 2)

  • in God however is wisdom and power; his are counsel and understanding. (Job 12, 13)

  • They listened to me and waited in silence for my counsel. (Job 29, 21)

  • I will teach you, I will show you the way to follow. I will watch over you and give you counsel. (Psalms 32, 8)

“Nunca vá se deitar sem antes examinar a sua consciência sobre o dia que passou. Enderece todos os seus pensamentos a Deus, consagre-lhe todo o seu ser e também todos os seus irmãos. Ofereça à glória de Deus o repouso que você vai iniciar e não esqueça do seu Anjo da Guarda que está sempre com você.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina