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  • Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would call them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name. (Genesis 2, 19)

  • And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself. (Genesis 2, 20)

  • And so the Lord God sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it. (Genesis 2, 21)

  • And the Lord God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam. (Genesis 2, 22)

  • And Adam said: “Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man.” (Genesis 2, 23)

  • Now they were both naked: Adam, of course, and his wife. And they were not ashamed. (Genesis 2, 25)

  • And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise. (Genesis 3, 8)

  • And the Lord God called Adam and said to him: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3, 9)

  • And Adam said, “The woman, whom you gave to me as a companion, gave to me from the tree, and I ate.” (Genesis 3, 12)

  • Yet truly, to Adam, he said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, from which I instructed you that you should not eat, cursed is the land that you work. In hardship shall you eat from it, all the days of your life. (Genesis 3, 17)

  • And Adam called the name of his wife, ‘Eve,’ because she was the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3, 20)

  • The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them. (Genesis 3, 21)

“Mesmo quando perdemos a consciência deste mundo, quando parecemos já mortos, Deus nos dá ainda uma chance de entender o que é realmente o pecado, antes de nos julgar. E se entendemos corretamente, como podemos não nos arrepender?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina