Talált 25 Eredmények: festival/page/2/page/2/page/3

  • 'Three times a year you will hold a festival in my honour. (Exodus 23, 14)

  • Ask your young men and they will tell you. I hope that you will give the men a welcome, coming as we do on a festival. Whatever you have to hand please give to your servants and to your son David." ' (1 Samuel 25, 8)

  • Hezekiah then encouraged all the Levites who had such understanding of Yahweh. Having finished the seven-day festival, during which they sacrificed communion sacrifices and praised Yahweh, God of their ancestors, (2 Chronicles 30, 22)

  • All festivals, Sabbaths, New Moons and days of special observance, and the three days before and three days after a festival, will be days of exemption and quittance for all the Jews in my kingdom, (1 Maccabees 10, 34)

  • Solomon similarly observed the eight-day festival. (2 Maccabees 2, 12)

  • For the poor every day is evil, for the joyous heart it is always festival time. (Proverbs 15, 15)

  • The Lord has rejected his altar, he has come to loathe his sanctuary and has given her palace walls into the clutches of the enemy; from the uproar they made in Yahweh's temple it might have been a festival day! (Lamentations 2, 7)

  • As though to a festival you called together terrors from all sides, so that, on the day of Yahweh's anger, none escaped and none survived. Those whom I had nursed and reared, my enemy has annihilated them all. (Lamentations 2, 22)

  • What will you do on the solemn feast-day, on the day of Yahweh's festival? (Hosea 9, 5)

  • as on a day of festival. I have taken away your misfortune, no longer need you bear the disgrace of it. (Zephaniah 3, 18)

  • At festival time it was the governor's practice to release a prisoner for the people, anyone they chose. (Matthew 27, 15)

  • At festival time Pilate used to release a prisoner for them, any one they asked for. (Mark 15, 6)

“Pense na felicidade que está reservada para nós no Paraíso”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina