Talált 53 Eredmények: Warriors/page/1/page/4

  • Some forty thousand warriors in arms, they crossed in Yahweh's presence, ready for battle, towards the plain of Jericho. (Joshua 4, 13)

  • All you warriors must march round the city (go right round the city once, doing the same on six successive days. (Joshua 6, 3)

  • All the warriors marching with him advanced on the front of the town and pitched camp north of Ai, with the valley between them and the town. (Joshua 8, 11)

  • When these kings had been brought out, Joshua assembled all the men of Israel and said to the chiefs of the warriors who had fought with him, 'Come forward and put your feet on the necks of these kings!' They came forward and put their feet on their necks. (Joshua 10, 24)

  • With all his warriors Joshua caught them unawares near the Waters of Merom and fell on them. (Joshua 11, 7)

  • That the warriors in Israel unbound their hair, that the people came forward with a will, bless Yahweh! (Judges 5, 2)

  • 'Curse Meroz,' said the Angel of Yahweh, 'curse, curse the people living there for not having come to Yahweh's help, to Yahweh's help as warriors!' (Judges 5, 23)

  • Samuel then got up and left Gilgal to continue his journey. Those people remaining followed Saul as he went to join the warriors, and went from Gilgal to Geba of Benjamin. Saul reviewed the force that was with him; there were about six hundred men. (1 Samuel 13, 15)

  • the warriors all set out and, having marched all night, took the bodies of Saul and his sons off the walls of Beth-Shean; they brought them to Jabesh and burned them there. (1 Samuel 31, 12)

  • but with the blood of wounded men, the fat of warriors! The bow of Jonathan never turned back, the sword of Saul never came home unsated! (2 Samuel 1, 22)

  • When Rehoboam reached Jerusalem he mustered the whole House of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand picked warriors, to fight the House of Israel and win back the kingdom for Rehoboam son of Solomon. (1 Kings 12, 21)

  • 'Why', Hazael asked, 'does my lord weep?' 'Because I know', Elisha replied, 'what harm you will do to the Israelites: you will burn down their fortresses, put their picked warriors to the sword, dash their little children to pieces, disembowel their pregnant women.' (2 Kings 8, 12)

“Que Jesus o aperte sempre mais ao Seu divino coração. Que Ele o alivie no sofrimento e lhe dê o abraço final no Paraíso.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina