Talált 48 Eredmények: critical thinking/page/4/page/4/page/2

  • If she answers me: Yes, drink, and I will draw water for your camels as well, let it be that she is the wife Yahweh has chosen for my master's son.' I was still thinking this over, (Genesis 24, 44)

  • thinking, "If Esau attacks one camp, the other will escape." (Genesis 32, 8)

  • If anyone does not heed the words of this sworn Covenant, thinking, "I shall have peace though I do as I please, the just and the sinner perish together," (Deuteronomy 29, 18)

  • Then they shall pursue us and go out far from the city, thinking that we are fleeing from them as before. (Joshua 8, 6)

  • When the men of Gaza were notified that Samson had come, they made the rounds and lay in wait for him at the city gates. They kept quiet all night, thinking, "We will wait for him until dawn and then we will kill him." (Judges 16, 2)

  • Samuel said, "Bring me Agag, king of the Amalekites." Agag stood before him with a cheerful face, thinking that he was now out of danger. (1 Samuel 15, 32)

  • Then Saul pointed it at David thinking, "I will nail David to the wall." But David escaped on two occasions. (1 Samuel 18, 11)

  • Saul did not say anything on that day, thinking that something may have happened and David was unclean. (1 Samuel 20, 26)

  • When somebody reported Saul's death to me, thinking he was bringing me good news, I took hold of him and killed him at Ziklag, instead of giving him a reward. (2 Samuel 4, 10)

  • David answered, "While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept thinking: who knows? Perhaps Yahweh will be kind to me and let my child live. (2 Samuel 12, 22)

  • For if you cannot probe the depths of the human heart nor know what a man is thinking, how can you understand the God who has made all things? Do you know his mind or understand his thoughts? No, my brothers, do not annoy the Lord our God. (Judith 8, 14)

  • So Bagoas drew back the curtain and knocked, thinking that Holofernes was sleeping with Judith. (Judith 14, 14)

“Se tanta atenção é dada aos bens desta Terra, quanto mais se deve dar aos do Céu? Faça, portanto, uma boa leitura espiritual, a santa meditação, o exame de consciência, e fará progresso na perfeição cristã e no amor de Jesus.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina