Talált 20 Eredmények: scandal/page/1/page/2/page/2

  • Then the servants of Pharaoh said to him: “How long must we endure this scandal? Release the men, in order to sacrifice to the Lord their God. Do you not see that Egypt is perishing?” (Exodus 10, 7)

  • This way of theirs is a scandal to them. And afterwards, they will delight in their mouth. (Psalms 48, 14)

  • Sitting, you spoke against your brother, and you set up a scandal against your mother’s son. (Psalms 49, 20)

  • Let their table be a snare before them, and a retribution, and a scandal. (Psalms 68, 23)

  • and they served their graven images, and it became a scandal to them. (Psalms 105, 36)

  • Those who love your law have great peace, and there is no scandal for them. (Psalms 118, 165)

  • And he remembered the malice of the sons of Baean, who were a snare and a scandal to the people, lying in ambush for them in the way. (1 Maccabees 5, 4)

  • Do not seek to become a judge, unless you have sufficient strength to shatter iniquities. Otherwise, you might fear the face of the powerful, and so establish a scandal within your integrity. (Ecclesiasticus 7, 6)

  • In the sight of your eyes, he will sweeten his mouth, and he will admire your talk. But at the very end, he will pervert his mouth, and he will offer a scandal from your own words. (Ecclesiasticus 27, 26)

  • You should not go into the way of ruin, and you then will not stumble on stones. You should not commit yourself to a laborious way; otherwise, you may set up a scandal against your own soul. (Ecclesiasticus 32, 25)

  • And so shall he be a sanctification to you. But he will be a stone of offense and a rock of scandal to the two houses of Israel, and a snare and a ruin to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 8, 14)

  • Their silver will be thrown away, and their gold will be like a dunghill. Their silver and their gold will have no power to free them in the day of the fury of the Lord. They will not satisfy their soul, and their bellies will not be filled, because of the scandal of their iniquity. (Ezekiel 7, 19)

“Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina