Talált 52 Eredmények: Teaching/page/3/page/4/page/4

  • and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, and understanding, and knowledge, and all teaching, (Exodus 35, 31)

  • “And now, O Israel, listen to the precepts and judgments which I am teaching to you, so that, by doing these, you may live, and you may enter and possess the land, which the Lord, the God of your fathers, will give to you. (Deuteronomy 4, 1)

  • You shall not add to the word which I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it. Preserve the commandments of the Lord your God which I am teaching to you. (Deuteronomy 4, 2)

  • Keep his precepts and commandments, which I am teaching to you, so that it may be well with you, and with your sons after you, and so that you may remain for a long time upon the land, which the Lord your God will give to you.” (Deuteronomy 4, 40)

  • teaching my hands to do battle, and making my arms like a bow of brass. (2 Samuel 22, 35)

  • And they were teaching the people in Judah, having with them the book of the law of the Lord. And they were traveling through all the cities of Judah, and were instructing the people. (2 Chronicles 17, 9)

  • altering the lips of those who speak the truth and sweeping away the teaching of the aged. (Job 12, 20)

  • The teaching you use to admonish me, I will hear, and the spirit of my understanding will respond for me. (Job 20, 3)

  • But Job has been speaking foolishly, and his words contain unsound teaching. (Job 34, 35)

  • For she teaches the teaching of God and is the chooser of his works. (Wisdom of Solomon 8, 4)

  • And they will no longer be the confidence of the house of Israel, teaching iniquity, so that they may flee and follow them. And they shall know that I am the Lord God.” (Ezekiel 29, 16)

  • And he alters the times and the ages. He takes away kingdoms and he establishes them. He gives wisdom to those who are wise and teaching skills to those who understand. (Daniel 2, 21)

“O grau sublime da humildade é não só reconhecer a abnegação, mas amá-la.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina