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  • Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, (Genesis 18, 4)

  • and said, "My lords, turn aside, I pray you, to your servant's house and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise up early and go on your way." They said, "No; we will spend the night in the street." (Genesis 19, 2)

  • So the man came into the house; and Laban ungirded the camels, and gave him straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him. (Genesis 24, 32)

  • And the LORD said to Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, (Exodus 19, 10)

  • You shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tent of meeting, and wash them with water. (Exodus 29, 4)

  • Then you shall cut the ram into pieces, and wash its entrails and its legs, and put them with its pieces and its head, (Exodus 29, 17)

  • with which Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet. (Exodus 30, 19)

  • When they go into the tent of meeting, or when they come near the altar to minister, to burn an offering by fire to the LORD, they shall wash with water, lest they die. (Exodus 30, 20)

  • They shall wash their hands and their feet, lest they die: it shall be a statute for ever to them, even to him and to his descendants throughout their generations." (Exodus 30, 21)

  • Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tent of meeting, and shall wash them with water, (Exodus 40, 12)

  • but its entrails and its legs he shall wash with water. And the priest shall burn the whole on the altar, as a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to the LORD. (Leviticus 1, 9)

  • but the entrails and the legs he shall wash with water. And the priest shall offer the whole, and burn it on the altar; it is a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to the LORD. (Leviticus 1, 13)

“Deus é servido apenas quando é servido de acordo com a Sua vontade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina