Trouvé 18 Résultats pour: waiting/page/1/page/2

  • They met Moses and Aaron, who were waiting for them, as they came forth from Pharaoh; (Exodus 5, 20)

  • Now Jonathan and Ahim'a-az were waiting at En-ro'gel; a maidservant used to go and tell them, and they would go and tell King David; for they must not be seen entering the city. (2 Samuel 17, 17)

  • Then Judith came in and lay down, and Holofernes' heart was ravished with her and he was moved with great desire to possess her; for he had been waiting for an opportunity to deceive her, ever since the day he first saw her. (Judith 12, 16)

  • How much less when you say that you do not see him, that the case is before him, and you are waiting for him! (Job 35, 14)

  • I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. (Psalms 69, 3)

  • While she was still speaking, the young man said, "What are you waiting for? I will not obey the king's command, but I obey the command of the law that was given to our fathers through Moses. (2 Maccabees 7, 30)

  • Moreover, I understand how the princes along the borders and the neighbors to my kingdom keep watching for opportunities and waiting to see what will happen. So I have appointed my son Antiochus to be king, whom I have often entrusted and commended to most of you when I hastened off to the upper provinces; and I have written to him what is written here. (2 Maccabees 9, 25)

  • Happy is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. (Proverbs 8, 34)

  • My son, deprive not the poor of his living, and do not keep needy eyes waiting. (Ecclesiasticus 5, 1)

  • And Daniel said to him, "Very well! You also have lied against your own head, for the angel of God is waiting with his sword to saw you in two, that he may destroy you both." (Daniel 13, 59)

  • And the people were waiting for Zechari'ah, and they wondered at his delay in the temple. (Luke 1, 21)

  • Now when Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him, for they were all waiting for him. (Luke 8, 40)

“Quando te encontrares diante de Deus, na oração considera-te banhado na luz da verdade, fala-lhe se puderes, deixa simplesmente que te veja e não tenhas preocupação alguma”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina