Trouvé 45 Résultats pour: armor of God/page/2/page/2/page/2/page/3

  • Then he called hastily to the young man his armor-bearer, and said to him, "Draw your sword and kill me, lest men say of me, `A woman killed him.'" And his young man thrust him through, and he died. (Judges 9, 54)

  • One day Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the Philistine garrison on yonder side." But he did not tell his father. (1 Samuel 14, 1)

  • And Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us; for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few." (1 Samuel 14, 6)

  • And his armor-bearer said to him, "Do all that your mind inclines to; behold, I am with you, as is your mind so is mine." (1 Samuel 14, 7)

  • And the men of the garrison hailed Jonathan and his armor-bearer, and said, "Come up to us, and we will show you a thing." And Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, "Come up after me; for the LORD has given them into the hand of Israel." (1 Samuel 14, 12)

  • Then Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, and his armor-bearer after him. And they fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer killed them after him; (1 Samuel 14, 13)

  • and that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armor-bearer made, was of about twenty men within as it were half a furrow's length in an acre of land. (1 Samuel 14, 14)

  • Then Saul said to the people who were with him, "Number and see who has gone from us." And when they had numbered, behold, Jonathan and his armor-bearer were not there. (1 Samuel 14, 17)

  • And David came to Saul, and entered his service. And Saul loved him greatly, and he became his armor-bearer. (1 Samuel 16, 21)

  • Then Saul clothed David with his armor; he put a helmet of bronze on his head, and clothed him with a coat of mail. (1 Samuel 17, 38)

  • And David girded his sword over his armor, and he tried in vain to go, for he was not used to them. Then David said to Saul, "I cannot go with these; for I am not used to them." And David put them off. (1 Samuel 17, 39)

  • And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armor in his tent. (1 Samuel 17, 54)

“Que Nossa Senhora aumente a graça em você e a faça digna do Paraíso”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina