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  • God said, "Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth under the ceiling of the sky." (Genesis 1, 20)

  • May God give you of the dew of heaven; and of the richness of the earth; and abundance of grain and wine. (Genesis 27, 28)

  • but they will be followed by seven years of famine. Then the time of abundance will be forgotten and famine will exhaust the land. (Genesis 41, 30)

  • The land will give its fruit so that you may have food in abundance and live securely. (Leviticus 25, 19)

  • the threshing time will last to vintage time and the vintage till sowing time. You will have food in abundance and you will live securely in your land. (Leviticus 26, 5)

  • Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. And then water in abundance gushed out for the community and their livestock to drink. (Numbers 20, 11)

  • when your livestock have multiplied, when you have silver and gold in abundance, and an increase of good things of every kind, (Deuteronomy 8, 13)

  • She arrived in Jerusalem with a vast retinue and with camels loaded with spices, an abundance of gold and precious stones. When she came to Solomon, she told him all that she had on her mind (1 Kings 10, 2)

  • Then she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, spices in abundance, and precious stones. Such an abundance of spices as those which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon was never again seen. (1 Kings 10, 10)

  • They conquered fortified cities and a fertile land, took possession of houses well-stocked, wells ready-hewn, vineyards and olive groves, and fruit trees in great abundance. They ate, were satisfied and grew fat, and they lived comfortably by your great kindness. (Nehemiah 9, 25)

  • Then their God told them to leave the country where they had settled and go to the land of Canaan. They went to live there, and acquired an abundance of gold and silver and numerous herds of cattle. (Judith 5, 9)

  • This is the way he nourishes the land that provides food in abundance. (Job 36, 31)

“O Senhor sempre orienta e chama; mas não se quer segui-lo e responder-lhe, pois só se vê os próprios interesses. Às vezes, pelo fato de se ouvir sempre a Sua voz, ninguém mais se apercebe dela; mas o Senhor ilumina e chama. São os homens que se colocam na posição de não conseguir mais escutar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina