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  • And he hurried out, because his heart had been moved over his brother, and tears gushed out. And going into his chamber, he wept. (Genesis 43, 30)

  • And the name of that place was called, the Place of Weeping, or the Place of Tears. And they immolated victims to the Lord in that place. (Judges 2, 5)

  • And she shed tears before Samson, and she complained, saying: “You hate me, and you do not love me. That is why you do not want to explain to me the problem, which you have proposed to the sons of my people.” But he responded: “I was not willing to reveal it to my father and mother. And so, how can I reveal it to you?” (Judges 14, 16)

  • David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices. And they mourned until the tears in them failed. (1 Samuel 30, 4)

  • “Return and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people: Thus says the Lord, the God of your father David: I have heard your prayer, and I have seen your tears. And behold, I have healed you. On the third day, you shall ascend to the temple of the Lord. (2 Kings 20, 5)

  • Then Tobit sighed, and he began to pray with tears, (Tobit 3, 1)

  • But, continuing in prayer with tears, she beseeched God, so that he would liberate her from this reproach. (Tobit 3, 11)

  • For you are not delighted with our perdition. For, after a storm, you create tranquility, and after tears and weeping, you pour out exultation. (Tobit 3, 22)

  • And Raguel threw himself towards him and kissed him with tears and weeping upon his neck, saying, “May a blessing be upon you, my son, because you are the son of a good and most noble man.” (Tobit 7, 7)

  • Then Raguel said: “I do not doubt that God has admitted my prayers and tears before his sight. (Tobit 7, 13)

  • But his mother wept inconsolable tears, and also said: “Woe, woe to me, O my son. Why did we send you to journey far away, you: the light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the solace of our life, the hope of our posterity? (Tobit 10, 4)

  • When you prayed with tears, and buried the dead, and left behind your dinner, and hid the dead by day in your house, and buried them by night: I offered your prayer to the Lord. (Tobit 12, 12)

“Sejam como pequenas abelhas espirituais, que levam para sua colméia apenas mel e cera. Que, por meio de sua conversa, sua casa seja repleta de docilidade, paz, concórdia, humildade e piedade!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina