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  • Besides, she is in truth my sister, but only my father's daughter, not my mother's; and so she became my wife. (Genesis 20, 12)

  • Rachel said to her father, "Let not my lord feel offended that I cannot rise in your presence; a woman's period is upon me." So, despite his search, he did not find his idols. (Genesis 31, 35)

  • The truth is that I was kidnaped from the land of the Hebrews, and here I have not done anything for which I should have been put into a dungeon." (Genesis 40, 15)

  • So send one of your number to get your brother, while the rest of you stay here under arrest. Thus shall your words be tested for their truth; if they are untrue, as Pharaoh lives, you are spies!" (Genesis 42, 16)

  • and when a search was made, starting with the oldest and ending with the youngest, the goblet turned up in Benjamin's bag. (Genesis 44, 12)

  • Yet there too you shall seek the LORD, your God; and you shall indeed find him when you search after him with your whole heart and your whole soul. (Deuteronomy 4, 29)

  • At that time there was no king in Israel. Moreover the tribe of Danites were in search of a district to dwell in, for up to that time they had received no heritage among the tribes of Israel. (Judges 18, 1)

  • "Look around and learn in which of all the various hiding places he is holding out. Then come back to me with sure information, and I will go with you. If he is in the region, I will search him out among all the families of Judah." (1 Samuel 23, 23)

  • So Saul took three thousand picked men from all Israel and went in search of David and his men in the direction of the wild goat crags. (1 Samuel 24, 3)

  • So Saul went off down to the desert of Ziph with three thousand picked men of Israel, to search for David in the desert of Ziph. (1 Samuel 26, 2)

  • But David said to himself: "I shall perish some day at the hand of Saul. I have no choice but to escape to the land of the Philistines; then Saul will give up his continual search for me throughout the land of Israel, and I shall be out of his reach." (1 Samuel 27, 1)

  • When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king of Israel, they all took the field in search of him. On hearing this, David went down to the refuge. (2 Samuel 5, 17)

“Não abandone sua alma à tentação, diz o Espírito Santo, já que a alegria do coração é a vida da alma e uma fonte inexaurível de santidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina