Löydetty 54 Tulokset: plunder/page/3/page/3/page/4

  • but the women and children and livestock and all else in it that is worth plundering you may take as your booty, and you may use this plunder of your enemies which the LORD, your God, has given you. (Deuteronomy 20, 14)

  • Then Saul said, "Let us go down in pursuit of the Philistines by night, to plunder among them until daybreak and to kill them all off." They replied, "Do what you think best." But the priest said, "Let us consult God." (1 Samuel 14, 36)

  • Just then David's servants and Joab were coming in from an expedition, bringing much plunder with them. Abner, having been dismissed by David, was no longer with him in Hebron but had gone his way in peace. (2 Samuel 3, 22)

  • from Edom and Moab, from the Ammonites, from the Philistines, from the Amalekites, and from the plunder of Hadadezer, son of Rehob, king of Zobah. (2 Samuel 8, 12)

  • Jehoshaphat and his people came to take plunder, and they found an abundance of cattle and personal property, garments and precious vessels. They took so much that they were unable to carry it all; they were three days taking the spoil, so great was it. (2 Chronicles 20, 25)

  • The Israelites took away as captives two hundred thousand of their brethren's wives, sons and daughters; they also took from them much plunder, which they brought to Samaria. (2 Chronicles 28, 8)

  • Therefore the soldiers left their captives and the plunder before the princes and the whole assembly. (2 Chronicles 28, 14)

  • As for those who resist, show them no quarter, but deliver them up to slaughter and plunder in each country you occupy. (Judith 2, 11)

  • Their wives you handed over to plunder, and their daughters to captivity; and all the spoils you divided among your favored sons, who burned with zeal for you, and in their abhorrence of the defilement of their kinswoman, called on you for help. (Judith 9, 4)

  • The other Jews, who dwelt in the royal provinces, also mustered and defended themselves, and obtained rest from their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of their foes, without engaging in plunder, (Esther 9, 16)

  • You make us retreat before the foe; those who hate us plunder us at will. (Psalms 44, 11)

  • Do not trust in extortion; in plunder put no empty hope. Though wealth increase, do not set your heart upon it. (Psalms 62, 11)

“Façamos o bem, enquanto temos tempo à nossa disposição. Assim, daremos glória ao nosso Pai celeste, santificaremos nós mesmos e daremos bom exemplo aos outros.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina