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  • Moses sent them to reconnoitre the land of Canaan, 'Go up into the Negeb,' he said, 'then go up into the highlands. (Numbers 13, 17)

  • The Amalekites occupy the Negeb area, the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites the highlands, and the Canaanites the sea coast and the banks of the Jordan.' (Numbers 13, 29)

  • The Amalekites and Canaanites living in those highlands then came down, defeated them and harried them all the way to Hormah. (Numbers 14, 45)

  • Move on, continue your journey, go to the highlands of the Amorites, to all those who live in the Arabah, in the highlands, in the lowlands, in the Negeb and in the coastland; go into Canaan and to Lebanon as far as the great River Euphrates. (Deuteronomy 1, 7)

  • 'So, as Yahweh our God had ordered, we left Horeb and made our way through that vast and terrible desert, which you saw on the way to the Amorite highlands, and arrived at Kadesh-Barnea. (Deuteronomy 1, 19)

  • I then said, "You have now reached the Amorite highlands, which Yahweh our God has given us. (Deuteronomy 1, 20)

  • These men made towards the highlands and went up into them; they reached the Valley of Eshcol and reconnoitred it. (Deuteronomy 1, 24)

  • 'In reply, you then said to me, "We have sinned against Yahweh our God. We shall go up and fight just as Yahweh our God has ordered us." And each one of you buckled on his arms and equipped himself to march up into the highlands. (Deuteronomy 1, 41)

  • So I told you, but you would not listen, and you rebelled against the voice of Yahweh; presumptuously you marched into the highlands. (Deuteronomy 1, 43)

  • Do not provoke them, for I shall give you none of their land, no, not so much as a foot's length of it. I have given the highlands of Seir to Esau as his domain. (Deuteronomy 2, 5)

  • You did not, however, go near the country of the Ammonites, or the region of the River Jabbok, or the towns in the highlands, or anywhere forbidden us by Yahweh our God.' (Deuteronomy 2, 37)

  • 'Then we took possession of this country, from Aroer on the Wadi Arnon. To the Reubenites and Gadites I gave half the highlands of Gilead with its towns. (Deuteronomy 3, 12)

"Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina