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  • Rescuing his soul from corruption : and his life from passing to the sword. (Job 33, 18)

  • His soul hath drawn near to corruption, and his life to the destroyers. (Job 33, 22)

  • He shall have mercy on him, and shall say : Deliver him, that he may not go down to corruption : I have found wherein I may be merciful to him. (Job 33, 24)

  • That he may withdraw their souls from corruption, and enlighten them with the light of the living. (Job 33, 30)

  • Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption. (Psalms 15, 10)

  • What profit is there in my blood, whilst I go down to corruption? Shall dust confess to thee, or declare thy truth? (Psalms 29, 10)

  • For the beginning of fornication is the devising of idols: and the invention of them is the corruption of life. (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 12)

  • And all things are mingled together, blood, murder, theft and dissimulation, corruption and unfaithfulness, tumults and perjury, disquieting of the good, (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 25)

  • For corruption and death hang over in his commandments. (Ecclesiasticus 28, 7)

  • He that loveth gold, shall not be justified: and he that followeth after corruption, shall be filled with it. (Ecclesiasticus 31, 5)

  • Of the corruption of buying, and of merchants, and of much correction of children, and to make the side of a wicked slave to bleed. (Ecclesiasticus 42, 5)

  • Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts to the prophets: Behold I will feed them with wormwood, and I will give them gall to drink: for from the prophets of Jerusalem corruption has gone forth into all the land. (Jeremiah 23, 15)

“Peçamos a São José o dom da perseverança até o final”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina