Löydetty 45 Tulokset: ancient numbers/page/3/page/2/page/4

  • The blessings of your father are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains, the bounty of the everlasting hills! May they all rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the one who is a prince among his brothers! (Genesis 49, 26)

  • They will fill your house and the houses of your ministers and all the houses in Egypt, something your fathers and their fathers before them have never seen from ancient times to this day." Having said this, Moses turned away and left Pharaoh's presence. (Exodus 10, 6)

  • The assembled strength of the camp of Judah numbers in all 186,400. These are to be first in marching. (Numbers 2, 9)

  • The assembled strength of the camp of Reuben numbers in all 151,450. They are to be second in order of marching. (Numbers 2, 16)

  • The assembled strength of the camp of Ephraim numbers in all 108,100. They are to be third in order of marching. (Numbers 2, 24)

  • The assembled strength of the camp of Dan numbers in all 157,600. They are to be last in order of marching." (Numbers 2, 31)

  • the best of the ancient mountains and the everlasting hills, the generous land and all that is in it. (Deuteronomy 33, 15)

  • The woman continued, "They used to say in olden days to settle a matter, 'Seek advice at Abel if you want to know the ancient customs (2 Samuel 20, 18)

  • But they did not pay attention; instead they followed their ancient customs. (2 Kings 17, 40)

  • and at every burnt offering to Yahweh on the sabbath, New Moon or solemn feast, in such numbers as are prescribed. They must always be present before Yahweh. (1 Chronicles 23, 31)

  • They also attacked the camps of some shepherds and carried off great numbers of sheep and camels; then they returned to Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 14, 14)

  • He gathered all Judah and Benjamin together, and also the Ephraimites, Manassites and Simeonites who had settled with them, since great numbers of Israelites had gone over to Asa's side when they saw that Yahweh was with him. (2 Chronicles 15, 9)

“Invoquemos sempre o auxílio de Nossa Senhora.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina