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  • Having conceived, she gave birth to a son, and she called his name Reuben, saying: “The Lord saw my humiliation; now my husband will love me.” (Genesis 29, 32)

  • And we cried out to the Lord, the God of our fathers. He heard us, and he looked with favor upon our humiliation, and hardship, and distress. (Deuteronomy 26, 7)

  • Have mercy on me, Lord. See my humiliation from my enemies. (Psalms 9, 14)

  • And, lest man be turned aside in humiliation, you have said: Be converted, O sons of men. (Psalms 89, 3)

  • This has consoled me in my humiliation, for your word has revived me. (Psalms 118, 50)

  • If your law had not been my meditation, then perhaps I would have perished in my humiliation. (Psalms 118, 92)

  • RES. See my humiliation and rescue me, for I have not forgotten your law. (Psalms 118, 153)

  • For he was mindful of us in our humiliation, for his mercy is eternal. (Psalms 135, 23)

  • For your holy things have been trampled and defiled, and your priests have been in mourning and in humiliation. (1 Maccabees 3, 51)

  • Humiliation follows the arrogant. And glory shall uphold the humble in spirit. (Proverbs 29, 23)

  • Accept everything that will happened to you, and persevere in your sorrow, and have patience in your humiliation. (Ecclesiasticus 2, 4)

  • For gold and silver are tested in fire, yet truly, acceptable men are tested in the furnace of humiliation. (Ecclesiasticus 2, 5)

“Façamos o bem, enquanto temos tempo à nossa disposição. Assim, daremos glória ao nosso Pai celeste, santificaremos nós mesmos e daremos bom exemplo aos outros.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina