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  • to whom I was bound by intimate friendship in the house of God! May they recoil in disorder, (Psalms 55, 14)

  • In return for my friendship they denounce me, and all I can do is pray! (Psalms 109, 4)

  • They repay my kindness with evil, and friendship with hatred. (Psalms 109, 5)

  • Let us offer the hand of friendship to these men and make peace with them and with their whole nation. (1 Maccabees 6, 58)

  • Now Judas had heard of the reputation of the Romans: how strong they were, and how well disposed towards any who made common cause with them, making a treaty of friendship with anyone who approached them. (1 Maccabees 8, 1)

  • But where their friends and those who relied on them were concerned, they had always stood by their friendship. They had subdued kings far and near, and all who heard their name went in terror of them. (1 Maccabees 8, 12)

  • Having chosen Eupolemus son of John, of the family of Accos, and Jason son of Eleazar, Judas sent them to Rome to make a treaty of friendship and alliance with these people, (1 Maccabees 8, 17)

  • 'What have we been doing,' he said, 'for Alexander to forestall us in winning the friendship of the Jews and so improving his own position? (1 Maccabees 10, 23)

  • let us now make a treaty of friendship. Give me your daughter in marriage: as your son-in-law, I shall give you, and her, presents which are worthy of you.' (1 Maccabees 10, 54)

  • When Jonathan saw that circumstances were working in his favour, he sent a select mission to Rome to confirm and renew his treaty of friendship with the Romans. (1 Maccabees 12, 1)

  • The envoys made their way to Rome, entered the Senate and said, 'Jonathan the high priest and the Jewish nation have sent us to renew your treaty of friendship and alliance with them as before.' (1 Maccabees 12, 3)

  • Onias received the envoy with honour, and accepted the letter, in which a clear declaration was made of friendship and alliance. (1 Maccabees 12, 8)

“Você teme um homem,um pobre instrumento nas mãos de Deus, mas não teme a justiça divina?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina