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  • When Yahweh had finished speaking with Abraham, he left and Abraham went home. (Genesis 18, 33)

  • God was with the boy. He grew up and made his home in the wilderness and became an expert archer. (Genesis 21, 20)

  • Next morning Laban rose early and, after kissing his sons and daughters, he blessed them and left for home. (Genesis 32, 1)

  • Now Jacob heard how his daughter Dinah had been dishonored, but said nothing until his sons who were in the fields with his cattle came home. (Genesis 34, 5)

  • Jacob came home to his father Isaac at Mamre or Kiriatharba (that is, Hebron) where Abraham and Isaac had lived. (Genesis 35, 27)

  • Then she kept the cloak by her until the master came home. (Genesis 39, 16)

  • Then Balaam rose and set out on his journey home while Balak also went on his way. (Numbers 24, 25)

  • These are the laws given by Yahweh to Moses, concerning the relationship between man and wife, and between a father and his daughter while still young and living in her father's home. (Numbers 30, 17)

  • since the killer should stay in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest. Only after the death of the high priest is he free to go back to his own home. (Numbers 35, 28)

  • Nor are you to accept payment from anyone who wishes to leave his city of refuge to return and live in his own home before the death of the high priest. (Numbers 35, 32)

  • Repeat them over and over to your children, speak of them when you are at home and when you travel, when you lie down and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6, 7)

  • Teach them to your children. Speak of them when you are at home and when you travel, when you lie down and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 11, 19)

“De todos os que vierem pedir meu auxílio, nunca perderei nenhum!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina