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  • Two hundred fifty Israelites followed him; all were well known leaders in the community and members of the council. (Numbers 16, 2)

  • Then all the lords of Shechem and the whole council assembled together by the oak at the pillar in Shechem, and proclaimed Abimelech king. (Judges 9, 6)

  • But if not, let fire break forth from Abimelech to devour the lords of Shechem and their council; and let fire break forth from their council to devour Abimelech." (Judges 9, 20)

  • The children of Israel obeyed the orders of Joakim and of the Council of the Elders which assembled in Jerusalem. (Judith 4, 8)

  • In reply he told them about the council meeting of Holofernes and all that he himself had said to the leaders of the Assyrians. He also told them of the threatening words of Holofernes against Israel. (Judith 6, 17)

  • We have heard about the discourse delivered in your council by Achior, and of its terms, because the men of Bethulia took him in and he reported to them all that he had said in your presence. (Judith 11, 9)

  • They have sent messengers to Jerusalem - for those who dwell there have also done this - and they have charged these men to bring back this permission from the Council of the Elders. (Judith 11, 14)

  • Then the high priest Joakim and the council of the Elders of Israel in Jerusalem came to hear the good things which the Lord had done for Israel, and to see Judith and congratulate her. (Judith 15, 8)

  • I go about darkened, but not by the sun; if I rise in council, it is to voice my grief. (Job 30, 28)

  • God presides in the divine council; he gives judgment among the gods: (Psalms 82, 1)

  • A God feared in the council of the holy ones, awesome to those who approach him. (Psalms 89, 8)

  • Alleluia! I thank the Lord with all my heart in the council of the just, in the assembly. (Psalms 111, 1)

“O Senhor nos dá tantas graças e nós pensamos que tocamos o céu com um dedo. Não sabemos, no entanto, que para crescer precisamos de pão duro, das cruzes, das humilhações, das provações e das contradições.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina