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  • You shall have sons and daughters but they shall not be yours for they shall be taken into captivity. (Deuteronomy 28, 41)

  • if in the land of their exile they come to themselves and repent, and in the country of their captivity they pray to you saying, 'We have sinned, we confess how sinful and wicked we have been,' (2 Chronicles 6, 37)

  • and if they turn again to you with all their heart and soul in the country of their captivity to which they have been deported, and pray, turning toward the land you gave their ancestors, toward the city you have chosen, and toward the house I have built for your name, (2 Chronicles 6, 38)

  • These were the people of the province who returned from captivity and exile. After being deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, they returned to Jerusalem and to Judah, each to his own town. (Ezra 2, 1)

  • From the days of our fathers to this day, our guilt has been great. We, our kings and priests have been given into the hands of foreign kings because of our crimes; we have been delivered to the sword, to captivity, to plunder, and put to shame as on this day. (Ezra 9, 7)

  • for they disobeyed your commandments. You have allowed us to suffer pillage, captivity and death. You have allowed us to be mocked by all the pagan nations among whom we have been dispersed. (Tobit 3, 4)

  • that I have not defiled my name, nor my father's name in the country of my captivity. I am my father's only daughter. He has no other son or daughter who can inherit from him, neither has he a close relative who can be given to me as a husband. So, after my seven husbands are dead, I have no one to live for. If it does not seem good to you, O Lord, that I should die, command that people will respect me and have pity on me and that I may hear no more insults." (Tobit 3, 15)

  • I, in the land of my captivity, will return him thanks and show his strength and greatness to my sinful people. Be converted, you sinners, and live justly before him, certain that he will be pleased with you and show you mercy. (Tobit 13, 8)

  • and go to Media because I believe in the word of God which Nahum prophesied about Nineveh. Everything that the prophets sent by God pronounced about Assyria and Nineveh will happen. No word will be forgotten but it will all come to pass in due time. Nineveh will be destroyed. You will be safer in Media, where there will be peace for some time, because I am certain and I believe that all that God has said will be fulfilled. Our brothers and sisters who live in the land of Israel will be dispersed and led away into captivity. As a result the whole of the land of Israel will be deserted. Jerusalem and Samaria will be desolate. The House of God will be burned down and left in ruins for some time. (Tobit 14, 4)

  • But God will again take pity on his people and they will return to their land. They will rebuild the Temple, though it will not be like the first one until better times come. When that time comes they will all return from captivity. They will rebuild Jerusalem in all its magnificence. In it they will rebuild the House of God in all its glory for all generations to come, just as the prophets have foretold. (Tobit 14, 5)

  • But when they strayed from the path he had set for them, they were completely annihilated in many battles, and they were led off into captivity in a country not their own. The temple of their God was leveled to the ground and their cities were occupied by their enemies. (Judith 5, 18)

  • who had been exiled from Jerusalem among the captives taken away with King Jeconiah of Judah by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. (Esther 2, 6)

“Se quisermos colher é necessário não só semear, mas espalhar as sementes num bom campo. Quando as sementes se tornarem plantas, devemos cuidá-las para que as novas plantas não sejam sufocadas pelas ervas daninhas.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina