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  • If you do this, and God so commands you, then you will be able to endure, and all this people also will go to their place in peace." (Exodus 18, 23)

  • For how can I endure to see the calamity that is coming to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?" (Esther 8, 6)

  • He leans against his house, but it does not stand; he lays hold of it, but it does not endure. (Job 8, 15)

  • he will not be rich, and his wealth will not endure, nor will he strike root in the earth; (Job 15, 29)

  • There was nothing left after he had eaten; therefore his prosperity will not endure. (Job 20, 21)

  • Prolong the life of the king; may his years endure to all generations! (Psalms 61, 6)

  • May his name endure for ever, his fame continue as long as the sun! May men bless themselves by him, all nations call him blessed! (Psalms 72, 17)

  • His line shall endure for ever, his throne as long as the sun before me. (Psalms 89, 36)

  • Like the moon it shall be established for ever; it shall stand firm while the skies endure." [Selah] (Psalms 89, 37)

  • Him who slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. The man of haughty looks and arrogant heart I will not endure. (Psalms 101, 5)

  • "O my God," I say, "take me not hence in the midst of my days, thou whose years endure throughout all generations!" (Psalms 102, 24)

  • They will perish, but thou dost endure; they will all wear out like a garment. Thou changest them like raiment, and they pass away; (Psalms 102, 26)

O sábio elogia a mulher forte dizendo: os seu dedos manejaram o fuso. A roca é o alvo dos seus desejos. Fie, portanto, cada dia um pouco. Puxe fio a fio até a execução e, infalivelmente, você chegará ao fim. Mas não tenha pressa, pois senão você poderá misturar o fio com os nós e embaraçar tudo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina