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  • The first day shall be holy and solemn, and the seventh day shall be kept with the like solemnity: you shall do no work in them, except those things that belong to eating. (Exodus 12, 16)

  • And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed white, and the taste thereof like to flour with honey. (Exodus 16, 31)

  • And Moses said to Aaron: Take a vessel, and put manna into it, as much as a gomor can hold: and lay it up before the Lord to keep unto your generations, (Exodus 16, 33)

  • And the children of Israel ate manna forty years, till they came to a habitable land: with this meat were they fed, until they reached the borders of the land of Chanaan. (Exodus 16, 35)

  • Our soul is dry, our eyes behold nothing else but manna. (Numbers 11, 6)

  • A Now the manna was like coriander seed, of the colour of bdellium. (Numbers 11, 7)

  • and when the dew fell in the night upon the camp, the manna also fell with it. (Numbers 11, 9)

  • He afflicted thee with want, and gave thee manna for thy food, which neither thou nor thy fathers knew: to shew that m not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. (Deuteronomy 8, 3)

  • And fed thee in the wilderness with manna which thy fathers knew not. And after he had afflicted and proved thee, at the last he had mercy on thee, (Deuteronomy 8, 16)

  • When I went up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, the tables of the covenant which the Lord made with you: and I continued in the mount forty days and nights, neither eating bread, nor drinking water. (Deuteronomy 9, 9)

  • And I fell down before the Lord se before, forty days and nights neither eating bread, nor drinking water, for all your sins, which you had committed against the Lord, and had provoked him to wrath: (Deuteronomy 9, 18)

  • But if thou desirest to eat, and the eating of flesh delight thee, kill, and eat according to the blessing of the Lord thy God, which he hath given thee, in thy cities: whether it be unclean, that is to say, having blemish or defect: or clean, that is to say, sound and without blemish, such as may be offered, as the roe, and the hart, shalt thou eat it: (Deuteronomy 12, 15)

“Quando a videira se separa da estaca que a sustenta, cai, e ao ficar na terra apodrece com todos os cachos que possui. Alerta, portanto, o demônio não dorme!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina