Found 47 Results for: pleasure/page/1/page/2

  • but towards Cain and his offering he showed no pleasure. This made Cain very angry and downcast. (Genesis 4, 5)

  • Sarah laughed to herself saying, "Now that I am old and worn and my husband is an old man, am I to have this pleasure?" (Genesis 18, 12)

  • Let me not share their counsel! Let my heart keep far from their company, for in anger they killed men, and hamstrung oxen at their pleasure. (Genesis 49, 6)

  • Now, Lord, I take my sister to myself in sincerity and love, not merely seeking pleasure. Have mercy on us and grant us a long life together." (Tobit 8, 7)

  • Your handmaid has never eaten at Haman's table, nor has taken pleasure in royal banquets, nor drunk the wine offered to their gods. (Esther 14, 17)

  • Neither has your handmaid found pleasure from the day of her promotion till now except in you, Lord God of Abraham. (Esther 14, 18)

  • You take no pleasure in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt offering, you would not delight in it. (Psalms 51, 18)

  • Indeed they plan to topple me. They take pleasure in telling lies; with their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse. (Psalms 62, 5)

  • May my song give him pleasure, as the Lord gives me delight. (Psalms 104, 34)

  • Guide me in obeying your instructions, for my pleasure lies in them. (Psalms 119, 35)

  • If your law had not been my pleasure, I would have perished in affliction. (Psalms 119, 92)

  • It has been a pleasure for the people to receive them with honor and deposit a copy of their statement in the public archives as a remembrance for the people of Sparta.' And they made a copy of all this for the High Priest Simon." (1 Maccabees 14, 23)

“Todas as graças que pedimos no nome de Jesus são concedidas pelo Pai eterno.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina