Found 98 Results for: Jewish ritual/page/8/page/7/page/3

  • These are the appointed feasts of Yahweh in which you are to proclaim holy assemblies for the purpose of offering offerings by fire, burnt offerings, grain offerings and drink offerings to Yahweh, according to the ritual of each day, (Leviticus 23, 37)

  • This is the ritual regarding the Nazirite on the day when his period of consecration is completed. He is to be led to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, (Numbers 6, 13)

  • Such is the ritual for the Nazirite, if, besides the hair, he has also vowed a personal offering to Yahweh, he must fulfill the vow he has made, in addition to what the ritual prescribes for his hair." (Numbers 6, 21)

  • The king had the place for burning human sacrifices in the valley of Ben-hinnom destroyed, so that no one could sacrifice his sons or daughters in the fire according to the ritual of Molech. (2 Kings 23, 10)

  • David left there, before the ark of the Covenant of Yahweh, Asaph and his brother Levites with the permanent charge of the worship that was held before the ark as each day's ritual required. (1 Chronicles 16, 37)

  • In serving the Temple of Yahweh they observe the ritual of the Tent of Meeting, the ritual of the sanctuary and the ritual of their brethren, the sons of Aaron. (1 Chronicles 23, 32)

  • He established the priestly orders in their duties according to the regulations of his father David. He also enforced the rules affecting the Levites who offered praise and served with the priests according to the daily ritual, and the different orders of gatekeepers at each gate, for such had been the commandments of David, the man of God. (2 Chronicles 8, 14)

  • Every morning, every evening, we burn burnt offerings to Yahweh our God, we have the incense of sweet spices, the loaves set out in rows on the pure table, the golden lampstand with its lamps that burn each evening; for we observe the ritual of Yahweh our God, that you have abandoned. (2 Chronicles 13, 11)

  • In addition to this, there was the organization by related groups of all those men thirty years old or older who went to Yahweh's House, by daily rotation, to perform the ritual duties appropriate to their orders. (2 Chronicles 31, 16)

  • They celebrated the Feast of the Tabernacles as it is written, and offered burnt offerings daily according to the established ritual. (Ezra 3, 4)

  • This is the command I give as to what you should do to help those Jewish leaders rebuild the House of God: pay the expenses in full and without delay, with the income from taxes of the province at the other side of the River which is allotted to the king. (Ezra 6, 8)

  • Hanani, one of my brothers, came with some men from Judah. I asked them about the Jewish survivors who had returned from exile and about Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1, 2)

“O santo silêncio nos permite ouvir mais claramente a voz de Deus”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina