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  • And the women of the neighborhood gave him his name, saying, "A son has been born for Naomi." They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, who was David's father. (Ruth 4, 17)

  • Obed of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David. (Ruth 4, 22)

  • Yahweh asked Samuel, "How long will you be grieving over Saul whom I have rejected as king of Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way to Jesse the Bethlehemite for I have chosen my king from among his sons." (1 Samuel 16, 1)

  • Invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will let you know what to do next. You shall anoint for me the one I point out to you." (1 Samuel 16, 3)

  • Samuel replied, "I come in peace; I am here to sacrifice to Yahweh. Cleanse yourselves and join me in the sacrifice." He also had Jesse and his sons cleansed and invited them to the sacrifice. (1 Samuel 16, 5)

  • Jesse called his son Abinadab and presented him to Samuel who said, "Yahweh has not chosen this one either." (1 Samuel 16, 8)

  • Jesse presented Shammah and Samuel said, "Nor has Yahweh chosen this one." (1 Samuel 16, 9)

  • Jesse presented seven of his sons to Samuel who said, "Yahweh has chosen none of them. (1 Samuel 16, 10)

  • But are all your sons here?" Jesse replied, "There is still the youngest, tending the flock just now." Samuel said to him, "Send for him and bring him to me; we shall not sit down to eat until he arrives." (1 Samuel 16, 11)

  • So Jesse sent for his youngest son and brought him to Samuel. He was a handsome lad with ruddy complexion and beautiful eyes. And Yahweh spoke, "Go, anoint him for he is the one." (1 Samuel 16, 12)

  • One of them said, "A son of Jesse, the Bethlehemite, plays very well. He is, moreover, a courageous man, intelligent and pleasant to talk with and Yahweh is with him." (1 Samuel 16, 18)

  • So Saul sent messengers to Jesse and asked for his son David who tended the sheep. (1 Samuel 16, 19)

“Não se desencoraje se você precisa trabalhar muito para colher pouco. Se você pensasse em quanto uma só alma custou a Jesus, você nunca reclamaria!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina