Gefunden 23 Ergebnisse für: concubine/page/1/page/2

  • He had a concubine named Reumah, and she too had children: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash and Maacah. (Genesis 22, 24)

  • So she gave him her slave-girl Bilhah as concubine. Jacob slept with her, (Genesis 30, 4)

  • Now Leah, seeing that she had ceased to bear children, took her slave-girl Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as concubine. (Genesis 30, 9)

  • While Israel was living in that district, Reuben went and slept with Bilhah his father's concubine, and Israel found out. The sons of Jacob were now twelve. (Genesis 35, 22)

  • Eliphaz son of Esau had Timna for concubine and she bore him Amalek. These were the sons of Esau's wife Adah. (Genesis 36, 12)

  • "If someone has intercourse with a woman who is the concubine slave of a man from whom she has not been redeemed and she has not been given her freedom, he will be liable for a fine, but they will not incur death, since she was not a free woman. (Leviticus 19, 20)

  • His concubine, who lived in Shechem, also bore him a son, to whom he gave the name Abimelech. (Judges 8, 31)

  • In those days, when there was no king in Israel, there was a man, a Levite, whose home was deep in the highlands of Ephraim. He took as concubine a woman from Bethlehem in Judah. (Judges 19, 1)

  • In a fit of anger his concubine left him and went back to her father's house at Bethlehem in Judah, and she stayed there for some time -- four months. (Judges 19, 2)

  • The husband was getting up to leave with his concubine and his servant when his father-in-law, the girl's father, said, 'Look, day is fading into evening. Please spend the night here. Look, the day is nearly over. Spend the night here and enjoy yourself. Then, early tomorrow, you can leave on your journey and go back home.' (Judges 19, 9)

  • But the man, refusing to stay the night, got up and went on his way, until he arrived within sight of Jebus -- that is, Jerusalem. He had with him two donkeys saddled, his concubine and his servant. (Judges 19, 10)

  • But the men would not listen to him. So the Levite took hold of his concubine and brought her out to them. They had intercourse with her and ill-treated her all night till morning; when dawn was breaking they let her go. (Judges 19, 25)

“A caridade é o metro com o qual o Senhor nos julgará.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina