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  • By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. (Genesis 10, 5)

  • And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. (Genesis 10, 18)

  • These [are] the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, [and] in their nations. (Genesis 10, 20)

  • These [are] the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. (Genesis 10, 31)

  • These [are] the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. (Genesis 10, 32)

  • And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Genesis 12, 3)

  • And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. (Genesis 28, 14)

  • And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. (Genesis 32, 28)

  • Therefore the children of Israel eat not [of] the sinew which shrank, which [is] upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank. (Genesis 32, 32)

  • And he erected there an altar, and called it Elelohe-Israel. (Genesis 33, 20)

  • And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard [it]: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing ought not to be done. (Genesis 34, 7)

  • And God said unto him, Thy name [is] Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. (Genesis 35, 10)

“Os corações fortes e generosos não se lamentam, a não ser por grandes motivos e,ainda assim,não permitem que tais motivos penetrem fundo no seu íntimo.(P.e Pio) São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina