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  • And I will give to you and to your offspring, the land of your sojourn, all the land of Canaan, as an eternal possession, and I will be their God.” (Genesis 17, 8)

  • And my covenant shall be with your flesh as an eternal covenant. (Genesis 17, 13)

  • Then Abimelech and Phicol, the leader of his army, rose up, and they returned to the land of the Palestinians. In truth, Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the Lord God Eternal. (Genesis 21, 33)

  • But my house is not so great with God that he should undertake an eternal covenant with me, firm and fortified in all things. For he is the entirety of my salvation and the entirety of my will. And there is nothing of this which will not spring forth. (2 Samuel 23, 5)

  • Confess to the Lord, for he is good. For his mercy is eternal. (1 Chronicles 16, 34)

  • And when they all sounded out together, with trumpets, and voice, and cymbals, and pipes, and with various kinds of musical instruments, lifting their voice on high, the sound was heard from far away, so that when they had begun to praise the Lord, and to say, “Confess to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is eternal,” the house of God was filled with a cloud. (2 Chronicles 5, 13)

  • Then the priests and the Levites were standing in their offices, with the instruments of music for the Lord, which king David made in order to praise the Lord: “For his mercy is eternal.” And they were playing the hymns of David with their hands. And the priests were sounding out with trumpets before them, and all of Israel was standing. (2 Chronicles 7, 6)

  • And he gave counsel to the people. And he appointed the singing men of the Lord, so that they would praise him by their companies, and so that they would go before the army, and with one voice say: “Confess to the Lord. For his mercy is eternal.” (2 Chronicles 20, 21)

  • Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, eternal gates. And the King of Glory shall enter. (Psalms 23, 7)

  • Lift up your gates, you princes, and be lifted up, eternal gates. And the King of Glory shall enter. (Psalms 23, 9)

  • And he stationed the same for Jacob with a precept, and for Israel with an eternal testament, (Psalms 104, 10)

  • Alleluia. Confess to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is eternal. (Psalms 135, 1)

“Reze pelos infiéis, pelos fervorosos, pelo Papa e por todas as necessidades espirituais e temporais da Santa Igreja, nossa terna mãe. E faça uma oração especial por todos os que trabalham para a salvação das almas e para a glória do nosso Pai celeste.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina