Gefunden 35 Ergebnisse für: Rachel/page/1/page/3/page/2

  • He said, “Is he well?” “He is very well,” they said. “And behold, his daughter Rachel approaches with his flock.” (Genesis 29, 6)

  • They were still speaking, and behold, Rachel arrived with her father’s sheep; for she pastured the flock. (Genesis 29, 9)

  • In truth, he had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah; and truly the younger was called Rachel. (Genesis 29, 16)

  • But while Leah was bleary-eyed, Rachel had an elegant appearance and was attractive to behold. (Genesis 29, 17)

  • And Jacob, loving her, said, “I will serve you for seven years, for your younger daughter Rachel.” (Genesis 29, 18)

  • Therefore, Jacob served for seven years for Rachel. And these seemed like only a few days, because of the greatness of love. (Genesis 29, 20)

  • And he said to his father-in-law, “What is it that you intended to do? Did I not serve you for Rachel? Why have you deceived me?” (Genesis 29, 25)

  • He agreed to his pleading. And after the week had passed, he took Rachel as a wife. (Genesis 29, 28)

  • Then Rachel, discerning that she was infertile, envied her sister, and so she said to her husband, “Give me children, otherwise I will die.” (Genesis 30, 1)

  • And Rachel said, “The Lord has judged for me, and he has heeded my voice, giving me a son.” And because of this, she called his name Dan. (Genesis 30, 6)

  • about whom Rachel said, “God has compared me with my sister, and I have prevailed.” And she called him Naphtali. (Genesis 30, 8)

  • Then Reuben, going out into the field at the time of the wheat harvest, found mandrakes. These he brought to his mother Leah. And Rachel said, “Give me a portion of your son’s mandrakes.” (Genesis 30, 14)

“Que Nossa Senhora aumente a graça em você e a faça digna do Paraíso”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina