Gefunden 15 Ergebnisse für: Baptist/page/2/page/2/page/2

  • Now in those days, John the Baptist arrived, preaching in the desert of Judea, (Matthew 3, 1)

  • Amen I say to you, among those born of women, there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matthew 11, 11)

  • But from the days of John the Baptist, even until now, the kingdom of heaven has endured violence, and the violent carry it away. (Matthew 11, 12)

  • And he said to his servants: “This is John the Baptist. He has risen from the dead, and that is why miracles are at work in him.” (Matthew 14, 2)

  • But, having been advised by her mother, she said, “Give me here, on a platter, the head of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 14, 8)

  • And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, and others say Elijah, still others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” (Matthew 16, 14)

  • Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them about John the Baptist. (Matthew 17, 13)

  • And king Herod heard of it, (for his name had become well-known) and he said: “John the Baptist has risen again from the dead, and because of this, miracles are at work in him.” (Mark 6, 14)

  • And when she had gone out, she said to her mother, “What shall I request?” But her mother said, “The head of John the Baptist.” (Mark 6, 24)

  • And immediately, when she had entered with haste to the king, she petitioned him, saying: “I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter.” (Mark 6, 25)

  • And they answered him by saying: “John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others perhaps one of the prophets.” (Mark 8, 28)

  • But when the men had come to him, they said: “John the Baptist has sent us to you, saying: ‘Are you he who is to come, or should we wait for another?’ ” (Luke 7, 20)

“Não se desencoraje, pois, se na alma existe o contínuo esforço de melhorar, no final o Senhor a premia fazendo nela florir, de repente, todas as virtudes como num jardim florido.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina