Encontrados 21 resultados para: danger/page/1/page/2

  • Some Israelites, aware of the danger and of the difficult situation, hid themselves in caves, in thickets, among rocks, in caverns, and in cisterns, (1 Samuel 13, 6)

  • But now the LORD, my God, has given me peace on all sides. There is no enemy or threat of danger. (1 Kings 5, 18)

  • They rose up to the heavens, sank to the depths; their hearts trembled at the danger. (Psalms 107, 26)

  • In danger I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free. (Psalms 118, 5)

  • On hearing this, Jonathan ordered the siege to continue. He selected some elders and priests of Israel and exposed himself to danger (1 Maccabees 11, 23)

  • "'Since there have often been wars in our country, Simon, son of the priest Mattathias, descendant of Joarib, and his brothers have put themselves in danger and resisted the enemies of their nation, so that their sanctuary and law might be maintained, and they have thus brought great glory to their nation. (1 Maccabees 14, 29)

  • regained possession of the world-famous temple, liberated the city, and reestablished the laws that were in danger of being abolished, while the Lord favored them with all his generous assistance. (2 Maccabees 2, 22)

  • People rushed out of their houses in crowds to make public supplication, because the Place was in danger of being profaned. (2 Maccabees 3, 18)

  • Encouraged by Judas' noble words, which had power to instill valor and stir young hearts to courage, the Jews determined not to delay, but to charge gallantly and decide the issue by hand-to-hand combat with the utmost courage, since their city and its temple with the sacred vessels were in danger. (2 Maccabees 15, 17)

  • He who moves stones may be hurt by them, and he who chops wood is in danger from it. (Ecclesiastes 10, 9)

  • All of them expert with the sword, skilled in battle, Each with his sword at his side against danger in the watches of the night. (Song of Solomon 3, 8)

  • Showing that you can save from any danger, so that even one without skill may embark. (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 4)

“O Coração de Jesus não deixará cair no vazio a nossa oração se ela for plena de fé e de confiança.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina