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  • These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, according to their settlements and encampments, twelve chiefs of as many tribes. (Genesis 25, 16)

  • Jacob said to his kinsmen, 'Collect some stones,' and gathering some stones they made a cairn. They had a meal there, on the cairn, and (Genesis 31, 46)

  • Dan will govern his people like any other of the tribes of Israel. (Genesis 49, 16)

  • All these make up the tribes of Israel, twelve in number, and this is what their father said to them as he bade them farewell, giving each an appropriate blessing. (Genesis 49, 28)

  • Moses put all Yahweh's words into writing, and early next morning he built an altar at the foot of the mountain, with twelve standing-stones for the twelve tribes of Israel. (Exodus 24, 4)

  • The stones will correspond to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve like their names, engraved like seals, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes. (Exodus 28, 21)

  • the stones corresponding to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve like their names, engraved like seals, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes. (Exodus 39, 14)

  • These were men of repute in the community; they were the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of Israel's thousands. (Numbers 1, 16)

  • But the Levites and their tribes were not included in the count. (Numbers 1, 47)

  • The people went round gathering it, and ground it in a mill or crushed it with a pestle; it was then cooked in a pot and made into pancakes. It tasted like cake made with oil. (Numbers 11, 8)

  • While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was caught gathering wood on the Sabbath day. (Numbers 15, 32)

  • Those who caught him gathering wood brought him before Moses, Aaron and the whole community. (Numbers 15, 33)

“Se você não entrega seu coração a Deus, o que lhe entrega?” “Você deve seguir outra estrada. Tire de seu coração todas as paixões deste mundo, humilhe-se na poeira e reze! Dessa forma, certamente você encontrará Deus, que lhe dará paz e serenidade nesta vida e a eterna beatitude na próxima.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina