Encontrados 35 resultados para: shelter/page/3/page/3/page/2

  • I have two daughters who are still virgins; let me bring them out to you; you may do with them as you please, but don't do anything to these men, for they have come to shelter under my roof." (Genesis 19, 8)

  • So now let all your livestock and all that you have in the fields take shelter, because when the hail falls on all that remains in the fields, whether men or animals, they will die." (Exodus 9, 19)

  • The bramble bush answered the trees, 'If you come in sincerity to anoint me as your king, then come near and take shelter in my shade; but if not, let fire break out of the bramble bush to devour even the cedars of Lebanon.' (Judges 9, 15)

  • I have not dwelt in a house since I brought the Israelites up from Egypt to the present day, but I went about with a tent for shelter. (2 Samuel 7, 6)

  • I have never lived in a temple from the day I brought Israel out until today, but went from tent to tent, from one shelter to another. (1 Chronicles 17, 5)

  • The guards took shelter, tied up Achior and left him lying on the ground at the foot of the mountain. They then returned to their lord. (Judith 6, 13)

  • If only you would hide me in the grave and shelter me till your wrath is past! If only you would set a time for me and then remember me! (Job 14, 13)

  • The eye that met him sees him no more; neither shall his dwelling shelter him again. (Job 20, 9)

  • Drenched with mountain rains, they hug the rocks for lack of shelter. (Job 24, 8)

  • I have given him the desert for a home, the salt plains for a shelter. (Job 39, 6)

  • O Lord, my God, in you I take shelter; deliver me and save me from all my pursuers, (Psalms 7, 2)

  • For he will keep me safe in his shelter in times of misfortune; he will hide me beneath his roof, and set me high upon a rock. (Psalms 27, 5)

“A maior alegria de um pai é que os filhos se amem, formem um só coração e uma só alma. Não fostes vós que me escolhestes, mas o pai celeste que, na minha primeira missa, me fez ver todos os filhos que me confiava”.(P.e Pio) São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina