pronađen 110 Rezultati za: day of wrath

  • Filled with wrath, God rejected Israel. (Psalms 78, 59)

  • How long will this last, O Lord? Will you be angry forever? Will your wrath always burn to avenge your rights? (Psalms 79, 5)

  • You have withdrawn your wrath and turned from your burning rage. (Psalms 85, 4)

  • With your wrath heavy upon me, you have battered me with all your waves. (Psalms 88, 8)

  • Your wrath has swept over me; your assaults have destroyed me. (Psalms 88, 17)

  • Our days pass away in your wrath; our years are gone in no time. (Psalms 90, 9)

  • Who knows the extent of your anger? Who has seen the end of your wrath? (Psalms 90, 11)

  • for your wrath, your fury; for you have thrown me aside. (Psalms 102, 11)

  • The Lord is at your right hand to crush the kings on his day of wrath. (Psalms 110, 5)

  • If I walk in the midst of trouble, you give me life. With outstretched arm, you save me from the wrath of my foes, with your right hand you deliver me. (Psalms 138, 7)

  • Therefore, the Temple also shared in the nation's misfortune, as it also shared afterward in its restoration. As it had been abandoned in the time of the wrath of God, it was again restored to its glory when the Most High Lord was appeased. (2 Maccabees 5, 20)

  • Through me and my brothers, may the wrath of the Almighty which has justly fallen on the whole of our race come to an end." (2 Maccabees 7, 38)

“Rezai e continuai a rezar para não ficardes entorpecidos”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina