pronađen 73 Rezultati za: tenth plague

  • Likewise, the tenth day of this seventh month shall be for you holy and venerable, and you shall afflict your souls. You shall do no servile work in it. (Numbers 29, 7)

  • one tenth for each lamb, which are all together seven lambs; (Numbers 29, 10)

  • and one tenth for each lamb, which is all together fourteen lambs; (Numbers 29, 15)

  • And you shall eat these in the sight of the Lord your God, in the place which he will choose, so that his name may be invoked there: the tenth part of your grain and wine and oil, and the firstborn from the herds and your sheep. So may you learn to fear the Lord your God at all times. (Deuteronomy 14, 23)

  • In the third year, you shall separate another tenth part of all the things which spring forth for you at that time, and you shall store it within your gates. (Deuteronomy 14, 28)

  • The offspring of a harlot, that is, one born of a prostitute, shall not enter into the church of the Lord, until the tenth generation. (Deuteronomy 23, 2)

  • The Ammonite and the Moabite, even after the tenth generation, shall not enter into the church of the Lord forever, (Deuteronomy 23, 3)

  • Now the people ascended from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they encamped at Gilgal, opposite the eastern portion of the city of Jericho. (Joshua 4, 19)

  • Then the men of Ashdod, seeing this kind of plague, said: “The ark of the God of Israel shall not remain with us. For his hand is harsh, over us and over Dagon, our god.” (1 Samuel 5, 7)

  • “In accord with the number of the provinces of the Philistines, you shall fashion five gold cysts and five gold mice. For the same plague has been upon all of you and your princes. And you shall fashion a likeness of your cysts and a likeness of the mice, which have destroyed the land. And so shall you give glory to the God of Israel, so that perhaps he may lift off his hand from you, and from your gods, and from your land. (1 Samuel 6, 5)

  • Moreover, he will take one tenth of your grain and of the results of your vineyards, so that he may give these to his eunuchs and servants. (1 Samuel 8, 15)

  • Also, he will take a tenth of your flocks. And you will be his servants. (1 Samuel 8, 17)

“Diante de Deus ajoelhe-se sempre.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina