Fundar 54 Resultados para: Flee

  • My days pass: more swiftly than a runner they flee away with never a glimpse of happiness, (Job 9, 25)

  • Pitilessly he is turned into a target, and forced to flee from the hands that menace him. But he who lays mighty hold on tyrants rises up to take away a life that seemed secure. (Job 27, 22)

  • No arrow can make him flee, a sling-stone tickles him like hay. (Job 41, 20)

  • [For the choirmaster Of David] In Yahweh I have found refuge. How can you say to me, 'Bird, flee to your mountain? (Psalms 11, 1)

  • [For the choirmaster Of David Psalm Song] Let God arise, let his enemies scatter, let his opponents flee before him. (Psalms 68, 1)

  • Sea, what makes you flee? Jordan, why turn back? (Psalms 114, 5)

  • Where shall I go to escape your spirit? Where shall I flee from your presence? (Psalms 139, 7)

  • and that Lysias in particular had advanced in massive strength, only to be forced to turn and flee before the Jews; that the latter were now stronger than ever, thanks to the arms, supplies and abundant spoils acquired from the armies they had cut to pieces, (1 Maccabees 6, 6)

  • Judas' cohort came into sight first. The enemy, seized with fright and panic-stricken by the manifestation of the All-seeing, began to flee, one running this way, one running that, often wounding one another in consequence and running on the points of one another's swords. (2 Maccabees 12, 22)

  • A man guilty of murder will flee till he reaches his tomb: let no one halt him! (Proverbs 28, 17)

  • Before the day-breeze rises, before the shadows flee, return! Be, my love, like a gazelle, like a young stag, on the mountains of Bether. (Song of Solomon 2, 17)

  • Before the day-breeze rises, before the shadows flee, I shall go to the mountain of myrrh, to the hill of frankincense. (Song of Solomon 4, 6)

“A mulher forte é a que tem temor de Deus, a que mesmo à custa de sacrifício faz a vontade de Deus.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina