Found 179 Results for: olive tree

  • to what the king of Assyria says, 'Make your peace with me and surrender. Then I will let each of you eat of your vine and of your fig tree and drink the water of your cistern until I come again. (2 Kings 18, 31)

  • the valiant men went and took the bodies of Saul and his sons away and brought them to Jabesh. They buried their bones under the oak tree in Jabesh, and they fasted for seven days. (1 Chronicles 10, 12)

  • He offered sacrifices and incense at the High places, on the hills and under every spreading tree. (2 Chronicles 28, 4)

  • returning to them at once their fields, vineyards, and olive groves, and canceling their debts in money, wheat, wine and oil." (Nehemiah 5, 11)

  • Then they proclaimed in all the cities and in Jerusalem: "Go to the mountains and bring branches of olive, pine, myrtle, palm and of any leafy tree to build huts according to what is commanded." (Nehemiah 8, 15)

  • They conquered fortified cities and a fertile land, took possession of houses well-stocked, wells ready-hewn, vineyards and olive groves, and fruit trees in great abundance. They ate, were satisfied and grew fat, and they lived comfortably by your great kindness. (Nehemiah 9, 25)

  • We will bring the best of our cereals, the fruit of every tree, the wine and the oil to the priests to be kept in the chambers of the House of our God; we will also bring the tithes from our fields for the Levites. The Levites themselves will collect the tithes from all the agricultural towns. (Nehemiah 10, 38)

  • All the Israelite women also ran out to see her, they blessed her and a number of them formed a choir in her honor. She took olive branches in her hand and gave some to the women who accompanied her. (Judith 15, 12)

  • She and the women with her made crowns of olive leaves. Then she went ahead of the people, leading the women in dance. All the Israelite men followed, clad in their armor, carrying crowns and loudly chanting hymns. (Judith 15, 13)

  • There is hope for a tree: if cut down it will sprout again, its new shoots will still appear. (Job 14, 7)

  • Like a vine he will be stripped of unripe grapes; like the olive, he will shed his blossoms. (Job 15, 33)

  • and the womb which formed him, forgets him. Evil men are no longer remembered, like a fallen tree they are broken. (Job 24, 20)

“Não nos preocupemos quando Deus põe à prova a nossa fidelidade. Confiemo-nos à Sua vontade; é o que podemos fazer. Deus nos libertará, consolará e enorajará.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina