Encontrados 4 resultados para: widowhood

  • She fasted all the days of her widowhood, except sabbath eves and sabbaths, new moon eves and new moons, feastdays and holidays of the house of Israel. (Judith 8, 6)

  • She took off the sackcloth she had on, laid aside the garments of her widowhood, washed her body with water, and anointed it with rich ointment. She arranged her hair and bound it with a fillet, and put on the festive attire she had worn while her husband, Manasseh, was living. (Judith 10, 3)

  • Both these things shall come to you suddenly, in a single day: Complete bereavement and widowhood shall come upon you For your many sorceries and the great number of your spells; (Isaiah 47, 9)

  • Fear not, you shall not be put to shame; you need not blush, for you shall not be disgraced. The shame of your youth you shall forget, the reproach of your widowhood no longer remember. (Isaiah 54, 4)

“Dirás tu o mais belo dos credos quando houver noite em redor de ti, na hora do sacrifício, na dor, no supremo esforço duma vontade inquebrantável para o bem. Este credo é como um relâmpago que rasga a escuridão de teu espírito e no seu brilho te eleva a Deus”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina